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Our Sponsors

The Whatcom Artist Studio Tour is grateful to its sponsors — without you we couldn't continue to bring artists and patrons together to share their stories and creative process. We hope that our visitors will support our sponsors as they continue to support the Tour. Sponsors, AKA advertisers, are promoted in our year-round social media campaign. 



If you would like to place an ad in the 2024 Tour Brochure, e-mail Anita Merina

She can e-mail an Insertion Order to you and answer your questions or you can download an Insertion Order here.



Want to support the studio tour and local artists without advertising? Make a donation to our organization. The donation will be used to cover our operating expenses. Every year, the studio tour connects art enthusiasts with local artists, fostering better connections between them. The operating funds are utilized to create a four-color catalog/ map featuring participating artists with a print run of approximately 7,000 brochures. Additionally, we have a directory of artists with a web presence for them and a map of locations that visitors can use to tour the studios. We also run an extensive social media campaign to promote the tour and encourage new and returning artists to participate. 


We've making it easy to donate. Just click the Donate button.


Have questions about donating? Contact us.

Our Sponsors

The Tour would not be possible without the support of our local community. We would like to thank our sponsors for their belief that art is important to keeping Whatcom County vibrant. We encourage everyone to use the services of these local businesses.

Jansen Art Center
Dakota Art Stores
Applewood Farm Studios, Bellingham, WA
Karen Theusen Designs ad
Whatcom Museum, Bellingham, WA
ZenBusiness Logo 350px.jpg

© 2024 Whatcom Artist Studio Tours All Rights Reserved

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