from past to present
“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.”
Pablo Picasso
The Whatcom Artist Studio Tour was founded in 1995 to bring the public into artists' working studios for a two weekend self-guided tour and sale. The Studio Tour offers visitors insight into the creative process, work-life and work-environment of area artists and provides an opportunity for people to purchase original works directly from their makers.
The Whatcom Artist Studio Tour began with ten artists and has grown to be a well orchestrated tour featuring nearly 70 artists in 2023 working in more than a dozen different media, and featuring 45 studios scattered throughout Bellingham and Whatcom County.
The tour celebrates it's 29th year in 2024. Each studio features the work of the primary artist, and some may include additional artists as well, providing a unique and compelling variety of artwork.
It's an opportunity to buy work from local artists, to find new sources of inspiration, to share and to learn. And it's a fun two weekends of exploring Bellingham, Whatcom County and artists workspaces!